
Text from my daughter-in-law, Nichole

“Your the most gentle, giving person on this planet.

You give everyone your all. As much as you can.”

(Nicest Compliment Ever Paid Me)

1. Holding doors for women

2. Practicing honesty

3. Protecting the defenseless

4. Offering his arm to a woman when walking

5. Practicing punctuality

6. Walking closer to the curb

7. Accomplishing difficult tasks without passing it on to others

8. Waiting for other peoples’ orders before eating

9. Keeping secrets

10. Keeping his promises

11. Exhibiting kindness and compassion to others

12. Offering his seat to women, disabled people, or the elderly

13. Offering a jacket when it’s cold

14. Rejecting violence against women

15. Paying attention whenever spoken to

16. Practicing basic table manners

17. Respecting someone’s privacy

18. Picking up the check

19. Helping a woman to her seat.

Dear Grandson’s, of Grandson’s, of Grandson’s.....of mine:

19 Things A True Gentleman Does Differently:

Kindness The Greg Husby Family
“Servant’s Heart”t